Modern diagnostics

Kodak 9000 3D extraoral imaging system

Kodak 9000 3D is an excellent and comprehensive tool for extraoral diagnosis, combining safe computed tomography (low radiation) with high-quality panoramic imaging. The device combines high quality and versatility.

Kodak 9000 3D is a unified diagnostic platform applied in surgery, implantology and endodontic treatment.


SmartOPTIC is a high-class microscope. Its optical parameters comply with high world-class standards. One of the distinctive features of SmartOPTIC microscopes is superior quality and very high ergonomics. In our dental office we apply smartOPTIC in endodontic treatment.

Concept IV Intraoral Camera

The only camera with 60x optical zoom and 80 pl/mm resolution. The digital signal processor (DSP) helps to deliver high-quality pictures. The handle with a flexible fiber-optic cable is easy to manipulate and additionally, the reverse angle of view enables to reach the smallest corners of the oral cavity. In cooperation with the monitor, the internal memory enables the storage of four photos. The camera broadens the possibilities of diagnostics, especially in aesthetic dentistry, endodontics and surgery.

The Concept cameras have achieved leading positions is prestigious comparative studies carried out by Clinical Research Associates in 2001.

VisualiX HDI Digital Radiography

The GENDEX 765DC Intraoral X-ray Unit is the safest and most precise device in the whole world. As the first, and still the only device in its class, it enables to deliver sharp, high-resolution images. A high-resolution generator reduces the amounts absorbed by patients to 30% as compared with traditional devices. Moreover, owing to the special design of the head and the application of high-absorbing materials it displays an extremely low radiation leakage.

Digital Panoramic Camera

Precise, sharp X-rays constitute an indispensible element of diagnostics in each dental practice. Verawiew IC-5 delivers high-contrast and high-resolution digital images in the Super High Speed mode within 5,5 seconds owing to which the dose of radiation is very low . The device is equipped in triple laser beams and the newest generation systems DDAE and AIE which ensure the highest quality of images.

Denta Port ZX

Denta Port ZX produced by J. Morita is a device composed of two modules. The first part of the device is a high-class apex locator. The second part is a micromotor which is adjusted to working with any system of rotational nickel-titanium tools which at the same time enables to determine the canal’s working length.